Collective creation:
Stage direction:
Christian Olivé
Daniel Carreras
Iolanda Llansó
Set and props:
Costumes and props::
Original music:
Sound effects:
Yurena (voice in off):
The General (voice in off):
Puppet construction:
Executive production:
General production:
Recommended age:
Performance area:
1957. We are in Moscow. In the midst of the Cold War and the Space Race. Laika is a puppy who survives on the streets of the frozen city. Little does she imagine that her destiny will carry her into space in the Sputnik II spacecraft, that she will be remembered in humanity’s history as the first living being to orbit the Earth. A puppy who also fell victim to abuse in others’ power struggles. In this show, Xirriquiteula Teatre uses techniques as diverse as live rear projections, puppets, automatons, shadow play and acting. The characters speak in pseudo-Russian gibberish, accompanied by a magnificent soundtrack. All of these elements have been delicately woven together through long and intensive collective work, to which each actor has brought their individual skills and knowledge. A show for all ages, recommended for children aged four years old and upwards. Not only does it speak of the sky’s marvels but also of the Earth’s injustices.
· 2021 MAX Award. Best Show for Family Audiences. Sgae Espanya · Premi GUINEUETA 2020 a la trajectòria de l’espectacle. Amics del teatre Zorrilla de Badalona · Premi FETEN 2019 Gijón. Millor Autoria i Direcció · Premi BBVA 2019. Millor Espectacle · Premis de la CRITICA 2018. Millor Espectacle de Teatre Familiar · VENUS 2019. Special Merit. Ajuntament de Badalona · DRAC D’OR 2018. Children’s Jury Best Show. Fira Internacional Titelles de Lleida · DRAC D’OR 2018. Best Scenography. Lleida International Puppet Fair
It doesn’t stop going around the world and receiving recognition from the little ones as well as people in the sector and programmers. Some of the most outstanding performances:
- Sementes (Almada,Portugal)
- Springfestival (Copenhaghe, Denmark)
- SHCAT Shanghai Children’s Art theater (Shanghai,China)
- Finta Festival internacional teatro de Tondela ( Portugal)
- Festival Petits et grands (Nantes,France)
- Festival mundial des Theatres de Marionnettes (Charlleville Mezieres, France)
- Macao International Children’s Arts Festival (Macao, China)
- TNP Villaurbane France
- Starke stucke …..( Frankfurt Germany)
- Teresetes …..Palma Mallorca; Spain)
- Festival Grec (Barcelona, Spain)
- …
(…) Xirriquiteula have dared to build a show with a Soviet aesthetic, an invented language and a highly effective play of projections against a pared-down stage set. It is a gorgeous work. And courageous. Xirriquiteula no s’amaga d’incloure arguments dramàtics en les obres teatrals. Jordi Bordes 15 març’19 (…) ‘Laika’ esdevé una preciosa història d’afectes capaç d’encisar a tota mena de públics. Yet beyond the story lies a brilliant scenic resolution, using a very few elements to great effect. (…) El trepidant joc d’embolics que captiva als espectadors acaba fent brollar l’emoció. Iolanda G. Madariaga “El que ha fet Xirriquiteula Teatre amb ‘Laika’ és admirable. Recrear la trista/èpica gesta de la gossa més famosa del món amb un treball artístic i tècnic complex que no deixa l’ànima de banda. (…) És imaginativa en el relat -que oxigena amb suspens i tocs de clown- i innovadora en el format -que exigeix un alt grau de coordinació dels actors, que són tècnics ‘a vista’ i al mateix temps manipuladors”. Núria Cañamares